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Delta Society

Monday, Apr. 14, 2003-10:17 a.m.

"Dad came home!!!"

Axel's Diary, 4-14-03

Oh happy happy day!!! DAD came home last night!!

Oh, I'm sure you can all imagine me pacing around the house, looking for him. I was especially upset when Pa came home Friday night, and Dad never did!! I didn't think that was right at ALL! I whined all night long, very softly... Pa understood, but I think it made him sad too.

Saturday Pa played with me extra-lots all morning... then he took his little laptop (which he calls 'the dinosaur') so he could try and make it work at the hospital... then he didn't come home ALL DAY!!! I was very suspicious when he did, because I could smell he had visited the hospital, and DAD! (ooh, that made me kind of mad... why didn't he take ME?)

Sunday, Pa left a little earlier, and he was gone alllllll the whole DAY! But do you know what? I wasn't very mad at all, because when he came home, he brought DAD!!!! YAY!!!

I was so happy, I was wagging my tail (or what tail I have anyway!) and I was licking Dad ALL over... I could smell the nice Dr. on him, and all the hospital smells... and a BIG boo-boo!! That kind of distressed me. I mean, Dad /had/ a kind of strange place on his tummy (he called it an ileostomy) but he came home without a bag on it, and instead of just a 'stoma' there, he had a big surgical HOLE! He said something about it healing safer that way, without any infection, but all I care about is that Dad is home now, and he needs tro heal up!!

I have been following Dad around non-stop since he came home. I think it's funny when he staggers around a little because of the pain pills, or when he gets all sleepy and falls asleep in his desk chair, or on the sofa... it's funny, but it's also an indication he needs me!

Last night, he went in to take a bath, and I grabbed the handle of the bathroom, and I forced the door open so I could join him!! I am very stubborn, you can see, and I knew he should not be alone in there! hrmf. humans forget, once we dogs have a job, it is ALWAYS our job! Especially when the human is MORE sick!! how silly they get, to forget that! Healing is hard work, and I will help as much as I can, by being right there!

I better let Dad rest some more- typing for me is hard work too, and he's still getting beter only a little at a time. Thank you for reading my diary! I hope we have many many happy years of it! I LOVE my job!!


via owner/handler David