
A picture of Axel
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Delta Society

Thursday, Sept. 26, 2002-2:53 p.m.

"A busy day today!"

Today was a great day, I think! My Dad was so proud of me, he gave me treats and lots of snuggles! He says I did better than I have everyday before this!

I was really rowdy when Dad finally got out of bed. (I admit, I begged him to. I wanted to GO-GO-GOooo! He would have laid around in BED all day!) I think it upset him that I was so enthusiastic, because when we left, he begged me to 'be good'. (and I WAS being good!) Then, he went into this big building we usually pass by, and he poked his head in, and everyone coo'd at me!! A nice lady looked kind of shocked when Dad said I was HIS... he gave her some papers, and said he could give her more to show her what us Service Dogs can do! She still smiled at me, and asked if she could pet, but he said not while I'm working! (I think he would have freaked out if I growled...) Dad was nervous when we left, and I know they were watching me. I watched them too. So closely, I BONKED my head on the fountain sink!! I yelped, and I was SO embarassed... everyone ouched for me, but I just did a big happy panting-grin, and went on into the bathroom like a good boy, to wait for Dad to do his thing. I'm getting more used to this!

We got on the bus again, and it was a LONG wait! I got tired, and i wandered a little, and laid down a little, and when the bus came, I was ALL ready to GOooo!! I bounced right in. (I scared a lady, by hopping up so quick, but then I laid RIGHT down so I wouldn't scare her anymore. She smiled at me, so I think I did right!)

When we got off the bus, Dad took me to a great little place- it smelled SO good. Like the other pet stores, only BETTER. There were two whole ROWS of nothing but yummy treats! (But Dad went past them! oh no!!) I stood quietly while Dad talked to the people, about what I should eat. I'm proud to say he bought me the very best food- all human grade, and very yummy, I bet! He said he hoped it didn't cost too much to feed me that stuff, but he wanted to try!

There was a little lab-chow-mix type dog there, and he just wanted to sniff noses, but Dad said no, because sometimes I get rowdy or rough. Instead, he picked out a 'greenie' for me!! I was so happy when I saw that, and while they talked, I spied the rows of treats again, and I gave him the big brown eyes look. You know the one- lift up your head and look at them upside down! Bat your eyes a little, and SMILE. It worked!! He brought me over to sniff, and said, "what one do you want? pick one out!" I remembered my Hat toy, that he let me pick out, so I was very careful, looking up and down the rows. When I saw them, I KNEW what I wanted!! They were HUGE doggie biscuits, shaped like bones, and they smelled like peanut butter!! Just the same kind of yummy-smell as that goopy stuff James put in my Kong to keep me busy this morning! Oh I was SO happy when he picked up TWO, and I didn't want ANYTHING else! (I'm still kind of afraid of rawhide, and Dad can't understand why!)

We put the things in his bag, and I could smell he was not feeling good by the time we walked down the street. I think his bag was too heavy. I love him, and so when I tasted his hand, I sat down. He thought I might need to go potty, so he took me to some dirt and grass, and I did my thing. I got SO much praise for that, I was happy, but He started walking again, so I bit his hand softly, and sat down again. He told me he 'knew' and we would go have pizza! But at the last minute, RIGHT by the doors, he changed his mind!! He wanted to cross the street and go to this BIG brick building with red and yellow on it. I have never seen that before, but it smelled good! I knew it was a restraunt, so I waited for the traffic, and made Dad hurry past the one car, then we went to the door. I was ready to go right up the steps like he asked, but he took me up a ramp instead. (I TOLD ya he was tired!)

When we got inside, I was suddenly on my BEST behavior, because I saw what they serve in THIS place!! MEAT!! Big juicy burgers, and yummy fries, and... wow. Even the big plastic clown couldn't distract me from being good. I even laid down while he was in LINE! Wow... this was gunna be so great.

When Dad took me to a table in a hallway by the side, I didn't understand. I would block the hall, laying by him!! ...then he tried that thing again, putting me under the TABLE!! I didn't want to go, but when I didn't really fight as much as balk, he held out a FRY to me!! After three fries, I looked up and I was UNDER THE TABLE!! WOW! It wasn't bad at all, and Dad put my leash around the brace and his leg, and I laid right down. He gave me another fry and said "good dawg!!" so I know I did the right thing. I was SO QUIET while he ate (and it smelled SO good!! oh, oh oh...) He brought me some water, and gave it to me outside, but I knew he brought the leftovers too! I can have those when we get home!

We waited for the bus again, and it took so LONG to get there! It felt like hours! When it finally came, the bus driver JUMPED back when I hopped in, and he pointed at me like I was a horrible monster!!! He said "Do you have a bus pass for THAT!" and Dad looked kind of offended. He showed him my jinglies, and said, "he has his service dog tags." and the man leaned WAY away from me and said gruffly, "Okay." but he didn't sit up again untill I was in the FAR back... and he kept looking at me in the rearview, like I was bigfoot or a martian or something! I got sad, and I know Dad wasn't happy about it either, so I stood up to ride and snuggled him. When he looked better, I laid down like I ought. We went home... and I was GLAD to get home!!

Walking down our street, Dad thought I might have to potty again, so he walked me around there asking me to go potty... I didn't have to! But he kept saying it and saying it. Finally, when he didn't understand my stares, I squatted and piddled about a teaspoon... THEN he realized I didn't HAVE to potty! Duh... humans are so dumb.

When we got inside, I got my dish with the leftover fries and hamburger in it, and yummiest of all, after I let Dad pick up the dish again without growling or anything, he gave me one of the BIG cookies!! (I'm kind of confused though... before he gave me the leftovers, he gave that funny-looking bird in the cage a handful of them. I don't know WHY... all IT ever does is squawk and try to say human things... it didn't lay still under a table like me, how come it gets fries? I don't understand that thing!)

It has been such a busy day. I think I will just lay down here on the kitchen floor where it's cool, and lay my head on my hat toy... and just SLEEP.

All my love to the people back 'home'!

Good Dawg!